The harvest is plentiful, and our heart is that we all be actively working to bring that harvest in. Each of us should be working to influence those around us with the Love and Truth of Jesus. The Kingdom is never full, and the Father's house never runs out of room. When someone new surrenders their life to Christ, we recognize that there is still room for  "One More!"


Pursue Jesus in a Relationship, Influence the people around you,  Multiply the Kingdom of Heaven.

In the book of Acts, we see this play out before us.  The disciples pursued Jesus. We know they also influenced the culture and people around them.  It wasn't easy, and it cost most of them their lives.  They were simple men and women that loved Jesus.  Next, we see that multiplication happened.  We know that many came to the  Lord  because of these men and women.  May we be witnesses to Lander, Wyoming, Fremont County, Wyoming, and to the world in Jesus' name.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."    Acts 1:8


How do we do this?

We believe that you don't just GO to church.  We believe we ARE the church! Our desire is to equip each believer with intentional steps to fulfill the mission.  If you implement the BLESS strategy into your daily routine, you will be empowered to do just that.  What exactly is the BLESS strategy?

B- BEGIN with prayer.  Ask, "God, how do You want me to bless the people in the places You send me to?

L- LISTEN to people.  Find out their story, struggles, and victories in the place God sends you.

E- EAT with someone.  This is not just "eat & run". It's not quick.  Have a meal or a cup of coffee.  Eating together builds relationship.

S- SERVE those around you.  Show random acts of kindness to friends, neighbors and strangers alike.

S- SHARE your story. When the time is right, share the story of how Jesus changed your life.



At The Rock Church, there are some guidelines we follow:

God’s Word – Inspired and Infallible

We value God’s Word as absolute truth. It is the all-sufficient guide for faith and living for every Christ-follower. When we spend time in God's Word throughout the week we foster a deep and abiding relationship with God our Father.

All Scripture is breathed by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness… 2 Timothy 3:16

Family - Positive and Healthy

We value family! We strive for healthy relationships within our individual families through fellowship.  We pursue relationships in the community through outreaches. Finally, we foster relationships in our church family through time spent together in love.

Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.  Acts 13:26

Serving Joyfully

We value generosity. Our goal is to live with open hearts and hands to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the world around us, just as Christ would. Each month we give to our veterans, and another local business or ministry that is striving to improve the lives of those in need. All our donations received through our Free Coffee Bar go to these, and are matched by the church. When we give of our time, talents, and treasure, we see God’s faithfulness in our lives. By showing appreciation and gratitude to those we’re serving with, we see God’s love transform our hearts.

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  2 Corinthians 9:7

We are a Foursquare Church that believes Jesus is the Savior, Baptizer, Healer, and Soon Coming King!  Click here for our Doctrinal Statement.