Frequently Asked Questions

CR is for anyone struggling with life.  If you have ever had a hurt, if you have ever had a hang-up in life, or perhaps you have struggled with an addiction, then this ministry is for you.  We all share one thing in common: hurt. 

Have you ever felt:

  • Helpless and hopeless in your circumstances?
  • Overwhelmed and out of control—that your life was unmanageable?
  • Frustrated that you have failed again — for the “umpteenth” time?
  • So discouraged that it is hard to put one foot in front of the other one?
  • “I hate myself”?
  • Alone and crazy?
  • Embarrassed and ashamed that you can’t stop_______________? (you fill in the blank)
  • Faulty and that you are a failure?
  • Scared and paralyzed to do anything about “it”?
  • No one could possibly understand your situation?
  • You can’t tell anyone about _______? If they knew that they would not like me.
  • No one cares about the incredible pain I am in?

If you feel any of these things, you are not alone.

A “Hurt” could be classified as any life experience that may have damaged your heart, some offense against you that crippled your ability to deal with the world in a healthy way. Something that may have twisted your view of yourself, God. Some common habits are:
Abandonment, Abortion, Abused as a child, or by a spouse, employer, or the church, Adoption, Betrayal, Dysfunctional family (divorce, alcoholism, drug abuse, rage, etc.), Neglect, Rape, Rejection, Sexual addictions, Cheating, affairs, Unforgiveness
A “Habits” tend to be unhealthy patterns that often start as a perceived “remedy” for some problem in your life, but end up turning into a chronic bad behavior or addiction. Habits are the repeat, default scripts you run to when the going gets tough and continually lead to trouble in your life.Some common habits are:

Abusive behavior, Alcohol, Bitterness, Drugs, Eating disorders, Gambling, Gossip, Isolation, Lying, Self-harm, Sexual Integrity, Spending problems, Wasteful pursuits, Workaholism,Pornography addiction

A “hang-ups” are those road blocks that keep you from progressing further in God’s plan for your life. They are often shaped by some bent thinking you may have received as a child, or some unhealthy attitude you may have adopted as a means of coping with life’s challenges. Here are some common hang-ups.

Anger, Anxiety, worry, Arrogance, Body image, Bullying, bigotry, Codependency, Control, Depression, Fear, Greed, envy, Guilt (false) and/or shame, Lack of self-control, Lack of trust in God, Laziness, Materialism, People pleasing, Perfectionism, Pride, Procrastination

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place, a refuge, a place of belonging, a place to care for others and be cared for, where respect is given to each member, where confidentiality is highly regarded, a place to learn, to grow and become strong again, where you can take off your mask, a place for healthy challenges and healthy risks, a possible turning point in your life.

We are NOT: a place of selfish control, therapy, a place for secrets, a place to look for dating relationships, a place to rescue or be rescued by others, a place of perfection, a long-term commitment, a place to judge others, a quick fix.

So how is AA (and other 12 step programs) different than Celebrate Recovery? The principal difference between AA (and other 12 Step programs) and Celebrate Recovery is that Celebrate Recovery focuses on Jesus Christ as the true Higher Power, uses God's Word as its guide, and there is a large group worship time to help connect with God and prepare for the message of Christ-Centered recovery.  Celebrate Recovery's 8 Principles written by Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, intersect perfectly with the 12 Steps by connecting the core principals of recovery to Jesus’ teachings from The Sermon on the Mount, found in the New Testament Gospel of Matthew, Chapters 5-7

The 12 Steps were adopted from Alcoholics Anonymous, and the biblical comparisons are used to support how each step connects directly with the scriptures. Although these are not the only verses which speak of recovery, they represent well the core principle of the corresponding Step. AA pioneers Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob stated many times the basic ideas of the AA program came from the Bible itself, primarily from the Book of James, 1 Corinthians and the Sermon on the Mount.

Celebrate Recovery is led by trained Christians in recovery who have worked through the 12 Steps themselves. We serve alongside many others on the road to recovery who volunteer in the ministry as part of their long-term recovery. We understand. We come from a wide variety of recovery issues and backgrounds… All have a heart for CR. We have been trained at The Rock Church at Regional and local CR training conferences and through  the Celebrate Recovery Advanced Leadership training guide.  We are not perfect but have a wealth of experience to offer those in recovery.

The entry point for Celebrate Recovery is to come on Thursday night starting at 6:30pm dinner is at 6pm.  After the Large Group Meeting, we recommend you go to the Newcomers101 after Large Group. Then the next week your welcome to join one of the Men's or Women's Open Share groups. No need to share anything on your first time but your first name and what brought you to CR if you feel comfortable sharing that. All you have to do is show up and we will walk you through everything.

We like to think that CR is like a home....a place where there is real life happening.  A place where we can feel safe and loved by your “Forever Family”.  A place where we can relax and know that great things are getting ready to happen.  CR is one of the most loving and accepting environments you will be a part of.  Everyone here is on the same road and though our issues may be different, we all are seeking God's truth in the same way. This is a safe environment where we can take our masks off and be who we are.

You are not required to attend the two components of Thursday night worship service, open sharing, but we do recommend that you make it a priority.  You will leave charged and refreshed through the fellowship and spiritual healing that come in the context of the Thursday night experiences. That being said, we know that life happens and simply ask you to attend what is applicable and convenient for you.

Celebrate Recovery does not charge for this ministry.  If you feel led to financially support CR at The Rock Church, then you can make a donation online at The Rock Church give button on the Web and find Celebrate Recovery tab. Celebrate Recovery is self-supporting. Also you can purchase a CR bible or The Participant to follow along with program.

CR Recovery Chips are designed to give each person an opportunity to mark their individual recovery.  If you don’t have an addiction that can be marked by sobriety easily, then we suggest you mark your journey from the day you pick up the blue chip, which is the first chip marking surrender in your life.

Yes, Celebrate Recovery strives to maintain strict confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and enables recovery. We have a saying that is repeated often in every Large Group meeting:

  • WHO you see here.
  • WHAT you hear here.
  • WHEN you leave here.

We are diligent about confidentiality and anonymity at CR. Like Open Meetings of AA, the large Group Meeting is open to the public in order to be of maximum help to those who are in need. Our Sharing and Step groups are strictly for those in the program of recovery. We place a high value on trust in our groups so you can be real and honest without fear. You are 100 percent in control of when and how much you participate.

No, Celebrate Recovery is a ministry for anyone who is interested in a Christ centered recovery program that will enable them to recover from life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups. There are attendees who are not members and/or do not attend The Rock Church. You are welcomed to attended our Sunday mornings at 10am.

Celebrate Recovery uses the 4 Participant Guides as the curriculum for working through the 12 Steps and 8 Recovery Principals. Our Step Study takes place on a night other than Thursday. The CR Step Study is a personal journey through each of these steps in a confidential group led by a facilitator who has completed the study themselves. When you finish the study, you will have worked your hurts, habits, and hang-ups through each step. A Step Study is a long-term commitment to the members of the group. It will typically take 8 to12 months to complete the study. After completing the Step Study, we hope you will join with us as we minister to others dealing with their hurts, habits and hang-ups. We use the CR Group Guidelines for our Step Study groups. 

In the Open Share Groups, absolutely not . . . until you are ready.

You can pass anytime you wish and for as long as it takes for you to become comfortable.

In the Step Studies, participation is required as the questions are answered.

You are welcome to come when you can for, The Large Group meeting and Open Share groups. However if you join a Step Study, you are expected to come each week until you complete it. As with any endeavor, the more effort you put into Celebrate Recovery, the more benefit you will gain.

Childcare provided for 9months to youth. If your kiddo is in High School they can sit in Large group but cannot attend small group. Those groups are designed for 18 years and older. As we grow we will open groups for teenagers and they will be at the same times as CR.

Here is the Link to Wyoming CR!

We also have others across the United States or other countries as well. Here is that link